Evaluation Confidant

Health & Safety · Health · Classroom · Certificate: Aviato Academy

Training information

  • Length of training: 8 hours
  • Language: Dutch
  • Certificate: Aviato Academy Certificate
  • Previous knowledge required: Should have already followed the training course for confidant
  • Price: On demand

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Target Audience

Confidant within the company.


As a key player in the policy of prevention of psychosocial risks in the enterprise, the role of the confidant is to receive sufferers, listen to them, inform them about the possibilities of intervention and propose solutions, which may go as far as organising mediation between the parties. It is therefore necessary that he has the necessary knowledge and skills to deal effectively with the cases submitted to him. That is why the Codex prescribes that the confidant must take a training course of at least 30 hours according to a specific programme. In order to maintain the quality of the confidant’s interventions, these regulations also state that he must continue to improve through supervisions that must take place at least once a year.

Course content

A tool for structuring and conducting mediations.  Confidants often hesitate to engage in mediation because they do not know how to structure the meeting, do not know how to deal with the emotions of the parties present, do not have the tools to bring the parties out of the “past” and into the future, and do not know how to conclude the mediation process, the verbal or written agreement, the moral contract, … … to complete the mediation process, the verbal or written agreement, the moral contract. The method consists of a pragmatic and structured approach to help the parties discuss what happened, the impact of the events, but above all what they want to do with it “tomorrow”. The approach makes it possible to (re)build bridges between parties through several steps and to conclude the discussions through a written agreement. Exchange of experiences and training on maintenance (supervision).

Training calendar

17/10/2024 · Brussels Airport Compass · 08:30-17:00 · Language: Dutch